About me

Passionate Frontend Developer and YouTuber from India 🇮🇳

About Me

Hey there! I'm Safdar Ali, a 23-year-old Frontend Developer and YouTuber from profession. I got into the world of coding early on and fell in love with the idea of creating things using code. With 4 years of experience in web development, I've grown passionate about designing practical websites that cater to my clients' needs.

To keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the field, I make sure I read articles trending and try to make content around them to maximize my reach. I also explore new tools and frameworks and stay active on tech Twitter & developer Discord communities.

What sets my method of website creation apart is my priority on finding creative but practical solutions rather than getting distracted by technical details. While some developers get caught up in deciding "Which technology should I choose?", I focus on "What problem needs solving?"

Moreover, I make sure that the websites I develop not only look visually appealing but also offer a flawless user experience. Using advanced technologies such as Next.js allows me to deliver top-grade UX and eye-catching UI designs that go beyond expectations.


  • 👨‍💻 Created more than 70+ coding lectures on YouTube 🎥
  • 🛠 Made 20+ Projects Using React and other CMS platforms
  • 💵 Made my first 140$ w/ Freelancing
  • 🌟 Hit 3K+ Followers on Blog / LinkedIn

Personality Traits

  • 🚀 Self-motivated
  • 🧠 Curious
  • 👤 Anti-Social
  • 🫂 Small-circle
  • 💬 Open-minded
  • 🤓 Detail-oriented

Hobbies & Interests

  • 📚 Enthusiastic reader of non-fiction and self-help books
  • 👨🏼‍💻 Love coding and building stuff out of code
  • ✍️ Consistent writer of general knowledge, practical tips and dev stuff
  • 🎨 Exploring the world of visual arts, with a particular interest in sketching

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

- Steve Jobs